
class: PlotOptions

class PlotOptions(**kwargs)[source]

A wrapper object for configurations applied to each series type.

The config objects for each series can also be overridden for each series item as given in the series array.

Configuration options for the series are given in three levels:

  • Options for all series in a chart are given in the series property.

  • Options for all series of a specific type are given in the corresponding property for that type, for example plot_options.line.

  • Finally, options for one single series are given in the Options.series array.

Class Inheritance
Inheritance diagram of PlotOptions

copy(other=None, overwrite=True, **kwargs)

Copy the configuration settings from this instance to the other instance.

  • other (HighchartsMeta) – The target instance to which the properties of this instance should be copied. If None, will create a new instance and populate it with properties copied from self. Defaults to None.

  • overwrite (bool) – if True, properties in other that are already set will be overwritten by their counterparts in self. Defaults to True.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments. Some special descendents of HighchartsMeta may have special implementations of this method which rely on additional keyword arguments.


A mutated version of other with new property values

classmethod from_dict(as_dict: dict, allow_snake_case: bool = True)

Construct an instance of the class from a dict object.

  • as_dict (dict) – A dict representation of the object.

  • allow_snake_case (bool) – If True, interprets snake_case keys as equivalent to camelCase keys. Defaults to True.


A Python object representation of as_dict.

Return type:


classmethod from_js_literal(as_str_or_file, allow_snake_case: bool = True, _break_loop_on_failure: bool = False)

Return a Python object representation of a Highcharts JavaScript object literal.

  • as_str_or_file (str) – The JavaScript object literal, represented either as a str or as a filename which contains the JS object literal.

  • allow_snake_case (bool) – If True, interprets snake_case keys as equivalent to camelCase keys. Defaults to True.

  • _break_loop_on_failure (bool) – If True, will break any looping operations in the event of a failure. Otherwise, will attempt to repair the failure. Defaults to False.


A Python object representation of the Highcharts JavaScript object literal.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(as_json_or_file, allow_snake_case: bool = True)

Construct an instance of the class from a JSON string.

  • as_json_or_file – The JSON string for the object or the filename of a file that contains the JSON string.

  • allow_snake_case (bool) – If True, interprets snake_case keys as equivalent to camelCase keys. Defaults to True.


A Python objcet representation of as_json.

Return type:


get_required_modules(include_extension=False) List[str]

Return the list of URLs from which the Highcharts JavaScript modules needed to render the chart can be retrieved.


include_extension (bool) – if True, will return script names with the '.js' extension included. Defaults to False.

Return type:

list of str

to_dict() dict

Generate a dict representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts JavaScript library.


The dict representation has a property structure and naming convention that is intentionally consistent with the Highcharts JavaScript library. This is not Pythonic, but it makes managing the interplay between the two languages much, much simpler.


A dict representation of the object.

Return type:


to_js_literal(filename=None, encoding='utf-8', careful_validation=False) str | None

Return the object represented as a str containing the JavaScript object literal.

  • filename (Path-like) – The name of a file to which the JavaScript object literal should be persisted. Defaults to None

  • encoding (str) – The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to 'utf-8'.

  • careful_validation – if True, will carefully validate JavaScript values

along the way using the esprima-python library. Defaults to False.


Setting this value to True will significantly degrade serialization performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.

Return type:

str or None

to_json(filename=None, encoding='utf-8', for_export: bool = False)

Generate a JSON string/byte string representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts JavaScript library.


This method will either return a standard str or a bytes object depending on the JSON serialization library you are using. For example, if your environment has orjson, the result will be a bytes representation of the string.

  • filename (Path-like) – The name of a file to which the JSON string should be persisted. Defaults to None

  • encoding (str) – The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to 'utf-8'.

  • for_export (bool) – If True, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to False.


A JSON representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts library.

Return type:

str or bytes

static trim_dict(untrimmed: dict, to_json: bool = False, context: str = None, for_export: bool = False) dict

Remove keys from untrimmed whose values are None and convert values that have .to_dict() methods.

  • untrimmed (dict) – The dict whose values may still be None or Python objects.

  • to_json (bool) – If True, will remove all keys from untrimmed that are not serializable to JSON. Defaults to False.

  • context (str or None) – If provided, will inform the method of the context in which it is being run which may inform special handling cases (e.g. where empty strings may be important / allowable). Defaults to None.

  • for_export (bool) – If True, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to False.


Trimmed dict

Return type:


static trim_iterable(untrimmed, to_json=False, context: str = None, for_export: bool = False)

Convert any EnforcedNullType values in untrimmed to 'null'.

  • untrimmed (iterable) – The iterable whose members may still be None or Python objects.

  • to_json (bool) – If True, will remove all members from untrimmed that are not serializable to JSON. Defaults to False.

  • context (str or None) – If provided, will inform the method of the context in which it is being run which may inform special handling cases (e.g. where empty strings may be important / allowable). Defaults to None.

  • for_export (bool) – If True, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to False.

Return type:


property arcdiagram: ArcDiagramOptions | None

Arc diagram series is a chart drawing style in which the vertices of the chart are positioned along a line on the Euclidean plane and the edges are drawn as a semicircle in one of the two half-planes delimited by the line, or as smooth curves formed by sequences of semicircles.

Arc Diagram Example Chart
Return type:

ArcDiagramOptions or None

property area: AreaOptions | None

General options to apply to all Area series types.

Area Example Chart
Return type:

AreaOptions or None

property arearange: AreaRangeOptions | None

General options to apply to all AreaRange series types. The area range series is a carteseian series with higher and lower values for each point along an X axis, where the area between the values is shaded.

AreaRange Example Chart
Return type:

AreaRangeOptions or None

property areaspline: AreaSplineOptions | None

General options to apply to all AreaSpline series types. The area spline series is an area series where the graph between the points is smoothed into a spline.

AreaSpline Example Chart
Return type:

AreaSplineOptions or None

property areasplinerange: AreaSplineRangeOptions | None

General options to apply to all AreaSplineRange series types. The area spline range series is a carteseian series type with higher and lower Y values along an X axis. The area inside the range is colored, and the graph outlining the area is a smoothed spline.

Return type:

AreaSplineRangeOptions or None

property bar: BarOptions | None

General options to apply to all Bar series types. A bar series is a special type of column series where the columns are horizontal.

Bar Example Chart
Return type:

BarOptions or None

property bellcurve: BellCurveOptions | None

General options to apply to all Bell Curve series types.

A bell curve is an areaspline series which represents the probability density function of the normal distribution. It calculates mean and standard deviation of the base series data and plots the curve according to the calculated parameters.

Bell Curve Example Chart
Return type:

BellCurveOptions or None

property boxplot: BoxPlotOptions | None

General options to apply to all Box Plot series types.

A box plot is a convenient way of depicting groups of data through their five-number summaries:

  • the smallest observation (sample minimum),

  • lower quartile (Q1),

  • median (Q2),

  • upper quartile (Q3), and

  • largest observation (sample maximum).

Box Plot Example Chart
Return type:

BoxPlotOptions or None

property bubble: BubbleOptions | None

General options to apply to all Bubble series types.

A bubble series is a three dimensional series type where each point renders an X, Y, and Z value. Each points is drawn as a bubble where the position along the X and Y axes mark the X and Y values, and the size of the bubble relates to the Z value.

Bubble Example Chart
Return type:

BubbleOptions or None

property bullet: BulletOptions | None

General options to apply to all Bullet series types.

A bullet graph is a variation of a bar graph. The bullet graph features a single measure, compares it to a target, and displays it in the context of qualitative ranges of performance that could be set using YAxis.plot_bands().

Bullet Example Chart
Return type:

BulletOptions or None

property column: ColumnOptions | None

General options to apply to all Column series types.

Column series display one column per value along an X axis.

Column Example Chart
Return type:

ColumnOptions or None

property columnpyramid: ColumnPyramidOptions | None

General options to apply to all Column Pyramid series types.

Column Pyramid series display one pyramid per value along an X axis.


To display horizontal pyramids, set Chart.inverted() to True.

ColumnPyramid Example Chart
Return type:

ColumnPyramidOptions or None

property columnrange: ColumnRangeOptions | None

General options to apply to all Column Range series types.

The column range is a cartesian series type with higher and lower Y values along an X axis.


To display horizontal bars, set Chart.inverted() to True.

ColumnRange Example Chart
Return type:

ColumnRangeOptions or None

property cylinder: CylinderOptions | None

General options to apply to all Cylinder series types.

A cylinder graph is a variation of a 3d column graph. The cylinder graph features cylindrical points.

Cylinder Example Chart
Return type:

CylinderOptions or None

property dependencywheel: DependencyWheelOptions | None

General options to apply to all Dependency Wheel series types.

A dependency wheel chart is a type of flow diagram, where all nodes are laid out in a circle, and the flow between the are drawn as link bands.

Dependency Wheel Example Chart
Return type:

DependencyWheelOptions or None

property dumbbell: DumbbellOptions | None

General options to apply to all Dumbbell series types.

The dumbbell series is a cartesian series with higher and lower values for each point along an X axis, connected with a line between the values.

Dumbbell Example Chart


Requires highcharts-more.js and modules/dumbbell.js be loaded client-side.

Return type:

DumbbellOptions or None

property errorbar: ErrorBarOptions | None

General options to apply to all Error Bar series types.

Error bars are a graphical representation of the variability of data and are used on graphs to indicate the error, or uncertainty in a reported measurement.

Error Bar Example Chart
Return type:

ErrorBarOptions or None

property funnel: FunnelOptions | None

General options to apply to all Funnel series types.

Funnel charts are a type of chart often used to visualize stages in a sales project, where the top are the initial stages with the most clients.


Funnel charts require that the modules/funnel.js file is loaded client-side.

Funnel Example Chart
Return type:

FunnelOptions or None

property funnel_3d: Funnel3DOptions | None

General options to apply to all Funnel 3D series types.

A Funnel 3D chart is a three-dimensional version of funnel series type. Funnel charts are a type of chart often used to visualize stages in a sales project, where the top are the initial stages with the most clients.


Funnel 3D charts require that the following files are all loaded client-side:

  • highcharts-3d.js,

  • cylinder.js and

  • funnel3d.js

Funnel 3D Example Chart
Return type:

FunnelOptions or None

property gauge: GaugeOptions | None

General options to apply to all Gauge series types.

Gauges are circular plots displaying one or more values with a dial pointing to values along the perimeter.

Gauge Example Chart
Return type:

GaugeOptions or None

property heatmap: HeatmapOptions | None

General options to apply to all Heatmap series types.

A heatmap is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.


Heatmaps require that modules/heatmap is loaded client-side.

Heatmap Example Chart
Return type:

HeatmapOptions or None

property histogram: HistogramOptions | None

General options to apply to all Histogram series types.

A histogram is a column series which represents the distribution of the data set in the base series. Histogram splits data into bins and shows their frequencies.

Histogram Example Chart
Return type:

HistogramOptions or None

property item: ItemOptions | None

General options to apply to all Item series types.

An item chart is an infographic chart where a number of items are laid out in either a rectangular or circular pattern. It can be used to visualize counts within a group, or for the circular pattern, typically a parliament.

The circular layout has much in common with a pie chart. Many of the item series options, like center, size and data label positioning, are inherited from the PlotOptions.pie() series and don’t apply for rectangular layouts.

Circular Item Example Chart
Return type:

ItemOptions or None

property line: LineOptions | None

General options to apply to all Line series types.

A line series displays information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments.

Line Example Chart
Return type:

LineOptions or None

property lollipop: LollipopOptions | None

General options to apply to all Lollipop series types.

The lollipop series is a carteseian series with a line anchored from the x axis and a dot at the end to mark the value.


Requires highcharts-more.js, modules/dumbbell.js, and modules/lollipop.js to be loaded client-side.

Lollipop Example Chart
Return type:

LollipopOptions or None

property networkgraph: NetworkGraphOptions | None

General options to apply to all Network Graph series types.

A network graph is a type of relationship chart, where connnections (links) attract nodes (points) and other nodes repulse each other.

NetworkGraph Example Chart
Return type:

NetworkGraphOptions or None

property organization: OrganizationOptions | None

General options to apply to all Organization series types.

An organization chart is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions.

Organization Example Chart
Return type:

OrganizationOptions or None

property packedbubble: PackedBubbleOptions | None

General options to apply to all Packed Bubble series types.

A packed bubble series is a two dimensional series type, where each point renders a value in X, Y position. Each point is drawn as a bubble where the bubbles don’t overlap with each other and the radius of the bubble relates to the value.

Split Packed Bubble Example Chart
Return type:

PackedBubbleOptions or None

property pareto: ParetoOptions | None

General options to apply to all Pareto series types.

A pareto diagram is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line.

Pareto Example Chart
Return type:

ParetoOptions or None

property pictorial: PictorialOptions | None

General options to apply to all Pictorial series types.

A pictorial series uses vector images to represent the data, with the data’s shape determined by the path parameter.

Pictorial Example Chart
Return type:

PictorialOptions or None

property pie: PieOptions | None

General options to apply to all Pie series types.

A pie chart is a circular graphic which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion.

Pie Example Chart
Return type:

PieOptions or None

property polygon: PolygonOptions | None

General options to apply to all Polygon series types.

A polygon series can be used to draw any freeform shape in the cartesian coordinate system. A fill is applied with the PolygonOptions.color() setting, and stroke is applied through PolygonOptions.line_width() and PolygonOptions.line_color().

Polygon Example Chart
Return type:

PolygonOptions or None

property pyramid: PyramidOptions | None

General options to apply to all Pyramid series types.

A pyramid series is a special type of funnel, without neck and reversed by default.

Pyramid Example Chart
Return type:

PyramidOptions or None

property pyramid_3d: Pyramid3DOptions | None

General options to apply to all Pyramid 3D series types.

A pyramid 3d series is a special type of funnel, without neck and reversed by default.

Pyramid 3D Example Chart
Return type:

Pyramid3DOptions or None

property sankey: SankeyOptions | None

General options to apply to all Sankey series types.

A sankey diagram is a type of flow diagram, in which the width of the link between two nodes is shown proportionally to the flow quantity.

Sankey Example Chart
Return type:

SankeyOptions or None

property scatter: ScatterOptions | None

General options to apply to all Scatter series types.

A scatter plot uses cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data.

Scatter Example Chart
Return type:

ScatterOptions or None

property scatter_3d: Scatter3DOptions | None

General options to apply to all Scatter 3D series types.

A 3D scatter plot uses x, y and z coordinates to display values for three variables for a set of data.

Scatter 3D Example Chart
Return type:

Scatter3DOptions or None

property series: SeriesOptions | None

General options to apply to all series types.

Return type:

ScatterOptions or None

property solidgauge: SolidGaugeOptions | None

General options to apply to all Solid Gauge series types.

A solid gauge is a circular gauge where the value is indicated by a filled arc, and the color of the arc may variate with the value.

SolidGauge Example Chart
Return type:

SolidGaugeOptions or None

property spline: SplineOptions | None

General options to apply to all Spline series types.

A spline series is a special type of line series, where the segments between the data points are smoothed.

Spline Example Chart
Return type:

SplineOptions or None

property streamgraph: StreamGraphOptions | None

General options to apply to all Stream Graph series types.

A streamgraph is a type of stacked area graph which is displaced around a central axis, resulting in a flowing, organic shape.

StreamGraph Example Chart
Return type:

StreamGraphOptions or None

property sunburst: SunburstOptions | None

General options to apply to all Sunburst series types.

A Sunburst displays hierarchical data, where a level in the hierarchy is represented by a circle. The center represents the root node of the tree. The visualization bears a resemblance to both treemap and pie charts.

Sunburst Example Chart
Return type:

SunburstOptions or None

property tilemap: TilemapOptions | None

General options to apply to all Tilemap series types.

A tilemap series is a type of heatmap where the tile shapes are configurable.

Honeycomb Tilemap Example Chart
Return type:

TilemapOptions or None

property timeline: TimelineOptions | None

General options to apply to all Timeline series types.

The timeline series presents given events along a drawn line.

Timeline Example Chart
Return type:

TimelineOptions or None

property treegraph: TreegraphOptions | None

General options to apply to all Treegraph series types.

A treegraph visualizes a relationship between ancestors and descendants with a clear parent-child relationship, e.g. a family tree or a directory structure.

Treegraph Example Chart
Return type:

TreegraphOptions or None

property treemap: TreemapOptions | None

General options to apply to all Treemap series types.

A treemap displays hierarchical data using nested rectangles. The data can be laid out in varying ways depending on options.

Treemap Example Chart
Return type:

TreemapOptions or None

property variablepie: VariablePieOptions | None

General options to apply to all Variable Pie series types.

A variable pie series is a two dimensional series type, where each point renders an Y and Z value. Each point is drawn as a pie slice where the size (arc) of the slice relates to the Y value and the radius of pie slice relates to the Z value.

Variable Pie Example Chart
Return type:

VariablePieOptions or None

property variwide: VariwideOptions | None

General options to apply to all Variwide series types.

A variwide chart (related to marimekko chart) is a column chart with a variable width expressing a third dimension.

Variwide Example Chart
Return type:

VariwideOptions or None

property vector: VectorOptions | None

General options to apply to all Vector series types.

A vector plot is a type of cartesian chart where each point has an X and Y position, a length and a direction. Vectors are drawn as arrows.

Vector Example Chart
Return type:

VectorOptions or None

property venn: VennOptions | None

General options to apply to all Venn series types.

A Venn diagram displays all possible logical relations between a collection of different sets. The sets are represented by circles, and the relation between the sets are displayed by the overlap or lack of overlap between them. The venn diagram is a special case of Euler diagrams, which can also be displayed by this series type.

Venn Example Chart
Return type:

VennOptions or None

property waterfall: WaterfallOptions | None

General options to apply to all Waterfall series types.

A waterfall chart displays sequentially introduced positive or negative values in cumulative columns.

Waterfall Example Chart
Return type:

WaterfallOptions or None

property windbarb: WindBarbOptions | None

General options to apply to all Wind Barb series types.

Wind barbs are a convenient way to represent wind speed and direction in one graphical form. Wind direction is given by the stem direction, and wind speed by the number and shape of barbs.

Wind Barb Example Chart
Return type:

WindBarbOptions or None

property wordcloud: WordcloudOptions | None

General options to apply to all Wordcloud series types.

A word cloud is a visualization of a set of words, where the size and placement of a word is determined by how it is weighted.

Wordcloud Example Chart
Return type:

WordcloudOptions or None

property xrange: XRangeOptions | None

General options to apply to all X-Range series types.

The X-range series displays ranges on the X axis, typically time intervals with a start and end date.

X-Range Example Chart
Return type:

XRangeOptions or None



Classes / Functions




TypeOptionsAccessibility SeriesKeyboardNavigation




AreaOptions AreaRangeOptions AreaSplineOptions AreaSplineRangeOptions LineOptions StreamGraphOptions


BarOptions ColumnOptions ColumnPyramidOptions ColumnRangeOptions CylinderOptions VariwideOptions WaterfallOptions WindBarbOptions XRangeOptions BaseBarOptions




BoxPlotOptions ErrorBarOptions




BulletOptions TargetOptions






DragDropOptions HighLowDragDropOptions BoxPlotDragDropOptions BulletDragDropOptions GuideBox GuideBoxOptions DragHandle


DumbbellOptions LollipopOptions


FunnelOptions Funnel3DOptions


GaugeOptions SolidGaugeOptions




HeatmapOptions TilemapOptions






LevelOptions SunburstLevelOptions TreemapLevelOptions LevelSize ColorVariation BaseLevelOptions




NetworkGraphOptions LayoutAlgorithm




PackedBubbleOptions ParentNodeOptions






PieOptions VariablePieOptions


Point OnPointOptions ConnectorOptions




PyramidOptions Pyramid3DOptions




ScatterOptions Scatter3DOptions




















WordcloudOptions RotationOptions