import datetime
import string
from typing import Optional
from decimal import Decimal
from collections import UserDict
from validator_collection import checkers, validators
import esprima
from esprima.error_handler import Error as ParseError
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
from highcharts_core import constants, errors, utility_functions
[docs]def serialize_to_js_literal(item,
encoding = 'utf-8',
ignore_to_array = False,
careful_validation = False) -> Optional[str]:
"""Convert ``item`` to the contents of a JavaScript object literal code snippet.
:param item: A value that is to be converted into a JS object literal notation value.
:param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults
to ``'utf-8'``.
:type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>`
:param ignore_to_array: If ``True``, will ignore handling of the ``.to_array()`` method
to break recursion. Defaults to ``False``.
:type ignore_to_array: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values
along the way using the
`esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults
to ``False``.
.. warning::
Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization
performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.
:type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:returns: A JavaScript object literal code snippet, expressed as a string. Or
:obj:`None <python:None>` if ``item`` is not serializable.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
if not ignore_to_array and hasattr(item, 'to_array'):
requires_js_objects = getattr(item, 'requires_js_object', True)
if requires_js_objects and hasattr(item, 'to_js_literal'):
return item.to_js_literal(encoding = encoding,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
elif requires_js_objects:
return serialize_to_js_literal(item,
encoding = encoding,
ignore_to_array = True,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
return serialize_to_js_literal(item.to_array(),
encoding = encoding,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
elif HAS_NUMPY and utility_functions.is_ndarray(item):
return utility_functions.from_ndarray(item)
elif hasattr(item, 'to_js_literal'):
return item.to_js_literal(encoding = encoding,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
elif not isinstance(item,
(str, bytes, dict, UserDict)) and hasattr(item, '__iter__'):
requires_js_objects = False
for x in item:
if getattr(x, 'requires_js_object', True) is True:
requires_js_objects = True
except ValueError as error:
if utility_functions.is_ndarray(x):
raise error
if requires_js_objects:
return [serialize_to_js_literal(x,
encoding = encoding,
ignore_to_array = True,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
for x in item]
result = []
for x in item:
if not utility_functions.is_ndarray(x):
js_literal = serialize_to_js_literal(x.to_array(),
encoding = encoding,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
return result
elif isinstance(item, constants.EnforcedNullType) or item == 'null':
return constants.EnforcedNull
elif isinstance(item, bool):
return item
elif isinstance(item, str):
return_value = item.replace("'", "\\'")
return return_value
elif checkers.is_numeric(item) and not isinstance(item, Decimal):
return item
elif isinstance(item, Decimal):
return float(item)
elif checkers.is_type(item, ('CallbackFunction')):
return str(item)
elif isinstance(item, (dict, UserDict)):
as_dict = {}
for key in item:
as_dict[key] = serialize_to_js_literal(item[key],
encoding = encoding,
careful_validation = careful_validation)
return str(as_dict)
elif checkers.is_datetime(item):
if not item.tzinfo:
item = item.replace(tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc)
return item.timestamp() * 1000
elif checkers.is_date(item):
return f'Date.UTC({item.year}, {item.month - 1}, {})'
elif checkers.is_time(item):
return item.isoformat()
elif item is None:
return None
return None
def is_js_object(as_str, careful_validation = False):
"""Determine whether ``as_str`` is a JavaScript object.
:param as_str: The string to evaluate.
:type as_str: :class:`str <python:str>`
:param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values
along the way using the
`esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults
to ``False``.
.. warning::
Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization
performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.
:type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:returns: ``True`` if ``as_str`` is a JavaScript function. ``False`` if not.
:rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
if not careful_validation:
is_empty = as_str[1:-1].strip() == ''
if is_empty:
return True
colon_count = as_str.count(':')
open_brace_count = as_str.count('{')
close_brace_count = as_str.count('}')
brace_set_count = (open_brace_count + close_brace_count) / 2
if colon_count > 0:
if brace_set_count == 1:
return True
elif brace_set_count > 1 and colon_count >= brace_set_count:
return True
careful_validation = True
elif 'new ' in as_str:
return True
elif 'Object.create(' in as_str:
return True
return False
if careful_validation:
expression_item = f'const testName = {as_str}'
parsed = esprima.parseScript(expression_item)
except ParseError:
parsed = esprima.parseModule(expression_item)
except ParseError:
return False
body = parsed.body
if not body:
return False
first_item = body[0]
if first_item.type != 'VariableDeclaration':
return False
init = first_item.declarations[0].init
if not init:
return False
if init.type in ('ObjectExpression'):
return True
return False
return False
[docs]def attempt_variable_declaration(as_str):
"""Attempt to coerce ``as_str`` to a JavaScript variable declaration form.
:param as_str: The string to evaluate.
:type as_str: :class:`str <python:str>`
:returns: ``True`` if ``as_str`` is a JavaScript function. ``False`` if not.
:rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
expression_item = f'const testName = {as_str}'
parsed = esprima.parseScript(expression_item)
except ParseError:
parsed = esprima.parseModule(expression_item)
except ParseError:
return False
body = parsed.body
if not body:
return False
first_item = body[0]
if first_item.type != 'VariableDeclaration':
return False
init = first_item.declarations[0].init
if not init:
return False
if init.type in ('FunctionExpression', 'ArrowFunctionExpression', 'ClassExpression'):
return True
elif init.type == 'NewExpression':
callee = init.callee
if not callee:
return False
if == 'Function':
return True
return False
[docs]def is_js_function_or_class(as_str, careful_validation = False) -> bool:
"""Determine whether ``as_str`` is a JavaScript function or not.
:param as_str: The string to evaluate.
:type as_str: :class:`str <python:str>`
:param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values
along the way using the
`esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults
to ``False``.
.. warning::
Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization
performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.
:type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:returns: ``True`` if ``as_str`` is a JavaScript function. ``False`` if not.
:rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
if not isinstance(as_str, str):
return False
if not careful_validation:
is_function = as_str.startswith('function ') or as_str.startswith('function*')
if is_function:
return True
is_function = 'function(' in as_str or 'function*(' in as_str
if is_function:
return True
is_function = ')=>' in as_str or ') =>' in as_str
if is_function:
return True
is_function = 'new Function(' in as_str
if is_function:
return True
is_class = as_str.startswith('class ')
if is_class:
return True
is_class = 'class {' in as_str or 'class{' in as_str
if is_class:
return True
is_class = '= class' in as_str or '=class' in as_str
if is_class:
return True
return False
parsed = esprima.parseScript(as_str)
except ParseError:
parsed = esprima.parseModule(as_str)
except ParseError:
if as_str.startswith('function') is False:
return False
return attempt_variable_declaration(as_str)
body = parsed.body
if not body:
return False
first_item = body[0]
if first_item.type in ('FunctionDeclaration', 'ClassDeclaration'):
return True
elif as_str.startswith('function') or as_str.startswith('class'):
return attempt_variable_declaration(as_str)
elif first_item.type == 'VariableDeclaration':
init = first_item.declarations[0].init
if not init:
return False
if init.type in ('FunctionExpression', 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
return True
elif init.type == 'NewExpression':
callee = init.callee
if not callee:
return False
if == 'Function':
return True
return False
[docs]def get_js_literal(item, careful_validation = False) -> str:
"""Convert the value of ``item`` into a JavaScript literal string.
:param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values
along the way using the
`esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults
to ``False``.
.. warning::
Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization
performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.
:type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:returns: The JavaScript literal string.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`
as_str = ''
if not isinstance(item, (str, bytes, dict, UserDict)) and hasattr(item, '__iter__'):
subitems = [get_js_literal(x) for x in item]
as_str += '['
subitem_counter = 0
for subitem in subitems:
subitem_counter += 1
if subitem == 'None':
subitem = 'null'
as_str += f"""{subitem}"""
if subitem_counter < len(subitems):
as_str += ',\n'
as_str += ']'
elif isinstance(item, str):
if (item.startswith('[') or item.startswith('Date')) and item != 'Date':
as_str += f"""{item}"""
elif item.startswith('${'):
if "'" in item:
item = item.replace("'", "\\'")
as_str += f'"{item[1:]}"'
as_str += f"'{item[1:]}'"
elif item.startswith('{') and item.endswith('}'):
if is_js_object(item, careful_validation = careful_validation):
as_str += f"""{item}"""
elif "'" in item:
item = item.replace("'", "\\'")
as_str += f'"{item}"'
as_str += f"'{item}'"
elif item in string.whitespace:
as_str += f"""`{item}`"""
elif item.startswith == 'HCP: REPLACE-WITH-':
item_str = item.replace('HCP: REPLACE-WITH-', '')
as_str += f"""{item_str}"""
elif not is_js_function_or_class(item, careful_validation = careful_validation):
as_str += f"""'{item}'"""
as_str += f"""{item}"""
elif item == constants.EnforcedNull or item is None:
as_str += """null"""
elif HAS_NUMPY and not isinstance(item, (dict, UserDict, Decimal)) and np.isnan(item):
as_str += """null"""
elif item is True:
as_str += """true"""
elif item is False:
as_str += """false"""
as_str += f"""{item}"""
return as_str
[docs]def assemble_js_literal(as_dict,
keys_as_strings = False,
careful_validation = False) -> Optional[str]:
"""Convert ``as_dict`` into a JavaScript object literal string.
:param as_dict: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the JavaScript object.
:type as_dict: :class:`dict <pythoN:dict>`
:param keys_as_strings: if ``True``, will return the keys as string values (wrapped
in quotation marks). If ``False``, will return the keys as object literals. Defaults
to ``False``.
:type keys_as_strings: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values
along the way using the
`esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults
to ``False``.
.. warning::
Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization
performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.
:type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>`
:returns: The JavaScript object literal representation of ``as_dict``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
if careful_validation:
as_dict = validators.dict(as_dict, allow_empty = True)
if not as_dict:
return None
as_str = ''
keys = len(as_dict)
current_key = 0
ended_on_None = False
for key in as_dict:
current_key += 1
item = as_dict[key]
if item is None:
keys -= 1
ended_on_None = True
if keys_as_strings:
as_str += f""" '{key}': """
as_str += f""" {key}: """
as_str += get_js_literal(item, careful_validation = careful_validation)
if current_key < keys:
as_str += ',\n'
ended_on_None = False
as_str += '\n'
if not as_str:
return None
elif ended_on_None:
as_str = as_str[:-2]
as_str += '\n'
as_str = '{\n' + as_str + '}'
return as_str
[docs]def convert_js_literal_to_python(literal_definition, original_str: None):
"""Convert a :class:`esprima.nodes.Literal` object into a Python literal.
.. note::
The :class:`esprima.nodes.Property` objects are available in the ``value`` sub-item.
:rtype: Python objcet
if not checkers.is_type(literal_definition, ('Literal', 'Identifier')):
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'literal_definition should contain a '
f'Literal or Identifier instance. Received: '
if literal_definition.raw == 'null':
return constants.EnforcedNull
elif == 'undefined':
return None
elif literal_definition.value is not None:
return literal_definition.value
raise errors.HighchartsParseError('unable to find a literal, array, or object '
[docs]def convert_js_property_to_python(property_definition, original_str = None):
"""Convert a :class:`esprima.nodes.Property` object into a Python literal.
.. note::
The :class:`esprima.nodes.Property` objects are available in the ``value`` sub-item.
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.javascript_functions import CallbackFunction, \
if not checkers.is_type(property_definition, 'Property'):
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'property_definition should contain a '
f'Property instance. Received: '
if property_definition.value.type == 'Literal':
if property_definition.value.raw == 'null':
return constants.EnforcedNull
elif == 'undefined':
return None
elif property_definition.value is not None:
return property_definition.value.value
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'unexpected parse error when '
elif property_definition.value.type == 'TemplateLiteral':
template_elements = property_definition.value.quasis
if template_elements:
element = template_elements[0]
if element.type == 'TemplateElement':
return element.value.cooked
raise errors.HighchartsParseError('unable to properly parse a '
'TemplateLiteral. Specifically could '
'not find a TemplateElement where one '
'was expected.')
elif property_definition.value.type == 'UnaryExpression':
property_value = property_definition.value
operator = property_value.operator
if operator == '-':
multiple = -1
multiple = 1
argument_type = property_value.argument.type
if argument_type not in ['Literal']:
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'unable to find a Literal value within'
f'a Unary expression. Found: '
value = property_value.argument.value
if checkers.is_numeric(value):
return value * multiple
return value
elif property_definition.value.type == 'Identifier':
if == 'undefined':
return None
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'unexpected parse error when '
elif property_definition.value.type == 'ArrayExpression':
return [convert_js_to_python(x, original_str)
for x in property_definition.value.elements]
elif property_definition.value.type == 'ObjectExpression':
as_dict = {}
key_value_pairs = get_key_value_pairs(,
for pair in key_value_pairs:
as_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1]
return as_dict
elif property_definition.value.type == 'FunctionExpression':
return CallbackFunction._convert_from_js_ast(property_definition, original_str)
elif property_definition.value.type == 'ClassExpression':
return JavaScriptClass._convert_from_js_ast(property_definition.value,
elif property_definition.value.type == 'BinaryExpression':
property_value = property_definition.value
operator = property_value.operator
left, right = property_value.left, property_value.right
left_type, right_type = left.type, right.type
if (left_type not in ['Literal']) or (right_type not in ['Literal']):
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'unable to find two Literal values within'
f'a Binary expression. Found: '
f'{left_type, right_type}')
left_value, right_value = left.value, right.value
if operator not in ['+', '-', '/']:
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'operator "{operator}" not supported within '
f'Binary expression parsing')
left_value = validators.string(left_value, allow_empty = False)
right_value = validators.string(right_value, allow_empty = False)
return left_value + right_value
elif property_definition.value.type == 'CallExpression':
expression = property_definition.value
callee_obj =
except AttributeError:
callee_obj =
except AttributeError:
raise errors.HighchartsParseError('unable to parse the JS Call '
call_arguments = [x.value for x in expression.arguments]
if callee_obj == 'Date':
if len(call_arguments) == 1:
return validators.datetime(call_arguments[0])
elif len(call_arguments) == 2:
return = call_arguments[0],
month = call_arguments[1] + 1)
elif len(call_arguments) == 3:
return = call_arguments[0],
month = call_arguments[1] + 1,
day = call_arguments[2])
elif len(call_arguments) == 4:
return datetime.datetime(year = call_arguments[0],
month = call_arguments[1] + 1,
day = call_arguments[2],
hour = call_arguments[3])
elif len(call_arguments) == 5:
return datetime.datetime(year = call_arguments[0],
month = call_arguments[1] + 1,
day = call_arguments[2],
hour = call_arguments[3],
minute = call_arguments[4])
elif len(call_arguments) == 6:
return datetime.datetime(year = call_arguments[0],
month = call_arguments[1] + 1,
day = call_arguments[2],
hour = call_arguments[3],
minute = call_arguments[4],
second = call_arguments[5])
elif len(call_arguments) == 7:
return datetime.datetime(year = call_arguments[0],
month = call_arguments[1] + 1,
day = call_arguments[2],
hour = call_arguments[3],
minute = call_arguments[4],
second = call_arguments[5],
microsecond = call_arguments[6])
raise errors.HighchartsParseError('failed to parse the Date() '
'constructor from the JS literal')
raise errors.HighchartsParseError('unable to find a literal, array, or object '
[docs]def convert_js_to_python(javascript, original_str = None):
"""Convert a :class:`esprima.nodes.Property` object into a Python literal.
.. note::
The :class:`esprima.nodes.Property` objects are available in the ``value`` sub-item.
if javascript.type not in ('Property',
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'javascript should contain a '
f'Property, Literal, ObjectExpression, '
f'ArrayExpression, UnaryExpression, or '
f'FunctionExpression instance. Received: '
if checkers.is_type(javascript, 'Property'):
return convert_js_property_to_python(javascript, original_str)
elif checkers.is_type(javascript, 'ObjectExpression'):
as_dict = {}
key_value_pairs = get_key_value_pairs(, original_str)
for pair in key_value_pairs:
as_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1]
return as_dict
elif checkers.is_type(javascript, 'ArrayExpression'):
return [convert_js_to_python(x, original_str)
for x in javascript.elements]
elif checkers.is_type(javascript, 'UnaryExpression'):
is_negative = javascript.operator == '-'
if is_negative:
multiple = -1
converted_value = convert_js_literal_to_python(javascript.argument, original_str)
return converted_value * multiple
elif checkers.is_type(javascript, 'FunctionExpression'):
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.javascript_functions import CallbackFunction
start_char = javascript.range[0]
end_char = javascript.range[1]
function_as_str = original_str[start_char:end_char]
return CallbackFunction.from_js_literal(function_as_str)
return convert_js_literal_to_python(javascript, original_str)
[docs]def get_key_value_pairs(properties, original_str):
"""Return the key and value pairs for properties defined in ``properties``.
:param properties: The definition of a JavaScript object Property.
:type properties: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`esprima.nodes.Property`
:rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`tuples <python:tuple>` of
:class:`str <python:str>` and any value
key_value_pairs = []
for item in properties:
if not checkers.is_type(item, 'Property'):
raise errors.HighchartsParseError(f'properties should contain a list of '
f'Property instances. Received: '
key = or item.key.value
if not key:
raise errors.HighchartsMissingKeyError('property was not formed correctly, '
'specifically missing a key')
value = convert_js_to_python(item, original_str)
pair = (key, value)
return key_value_pairs