Source code for highcharts_core.options.series.labels

from typing import Optional, List
from decimal import Decimal

from validator_collection import validators

from highcharts_core import constants
from highcharts_core.decorators import class_sensitive
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta, JavaScriptDict
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.javascript_functions import CallbackFunction

[docs]class Box(HighchartsMeta): """Containing the position of a box that should be avoided by labels.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._bottom = None self._left = None self._right = None self._top = None self.bottom = kwargs.get('bottom', None) self.left = kwargs.get('left', None) self.right = kwargs.get('right', None) = kwargs.get('top', None) @property def bottom(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Bottom Position :rtype: numeric """ return self._bottom @bottom.setter def bottom(self, value): self._bottom = validators.numeric(value) @property def left(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Left Position :rtype: numeric """ return self._left @left.setter def left(self, value): self._left = validators.numeric(value) @property def right(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Right Position :rtype: numeric """ return self._right @right.setter def right(self, value): self._right = validators.numeric(value) @property def top(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Top Position :rtype: numeric """ return self._top @top.setter def top(self, value): self._top = validators.numeric(value) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'bottom': as_dict.get('bottom', None), 'left': as_dict.get('left', None), 'right': as_dict.get('right', None), 'top': as_dict.get('top', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'bottom': self.bottom, 'left': self.left, 'right': self.right, 'top': } return untrimmed
[docs]class SeriesLabel(HighchartsMeta): """Series labels are placed as close to the series as possible in a natural way, seeking to avoid other series. The goal of this feature is to make the chart more easily readable, like if a human designer placed the labels in the optimal position. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._boxes_to_avoid = None self._connector_allowed = None self._connector_neighbour_distance = None self._enabled = None self._format = None self._formatter = None self._max_font_size = None self._min_font_size = None self._on_area = None self._style = None self.boxes_to_avoid = kwargs.get('boxes_to_avoid', None) self.connector_allowed = kwargs.get('connector_allowed', None) self.connector_neighbour_distance = kwargs.get('connector_neighbour_distance', None) self.enabled = kwargs.get('enabled', None) self.format = kwargs.get('format', None) self.formatter = kwargs.get('formatter', None) self.max_font_size = kwargs.get('max_font_size', None) self.min_font_size = kwargs.get('min_font_size', None) self.on_area = kwargs.get('on_area', None) = kwargs.get('style', None) @property def _dot_path(self) -> Optional[str]: """The dot-notation path to the options key for the current class. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return 'plotOptions.boxplot.dragDrop' @property def boxes_to_avoid(self) -> Optional[List[Box]]: """An array of boxes to avoid when laying out the labels. Each item has a :meth:`left <Box.left>`, :meth:`right <Box.right>`, :meth:`top <>`, and :meth:`bottom <Box.bottom>` property. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`Box` """ return self._boxes_to_avoid @boxes_to_avoid.setter @class_sensitive(Box, force_iterable = True) def boxes_to_avoid(self, value): self._boxes_to_avoid = value @property def connector_allowed(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Allow labels to be placed distant to the graph if necessary, and draw a connector line to the graph. Defaults to ``False``. .. warning:: Setting this option to ``True`` may decrease the performance significantly, since the algorithm with systematically search for open spaces in the whole plot area. Visually, it may also result in a more cluttered chart, though more of the series will be labeled. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._connector_allowed @connector_allowed.setter def connector_allowed(self, value): if value is None: self._connector_allowed = None else: self._connector_allowed = bool(value) @property def connector_neighbour_distance(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """If the label is closer than this to a neighbour graph, draw a connector. Defaults to ``24``. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._connector_neighbour_distance @connector_neighbour_distance.setter def connector_neighbour_distance(self, value): self._connector_neighbour_distance = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @property def enabled(self) -> Optional[bool]: """If ``True``, enable the series labels for the series. Defaults to ``True``. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value): if value is None: self._enabled = None else: self._enabled = bool(value) @property def format(self) -> Optional[str]: """A format string for the label, with support for a subset of HTML. Variables are enclosed by curly brackets. Available variables are ``name``, ````, ``color``, and other members from the ``series`` object. Use this option also to set a static text for the label. .. warning:: If your format string begins with ``{`` and ends with ``}``, Highcharts for Python may interpret it as a JavaScript or JSON object. To prevent this, please add a ``$`` before the opening curly brace, like so: ``${value:.1f}``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._format @format.setter def format(self, value): self._format = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def formatter(self) -> Optional[CallbackFunction]: """JavaScript callback function to format each of the series' labels. The ``this`` keyword refers to the ``series`` object. By default the formatter is :obj:`None <python:None>` and the ```` is rendered. :rtype: :class:`CallbackFunction` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._formatter @formatter.setter @class_sensitive(CallbackFunction) def formatter(self, value): self._formatter = value @property def max_font_size(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal | constants.EnforcedNullType]: """For area-like series, allow the font size to vary so that small areas get a smaller font size. The default applies this effect to area-like series but not line-like series. Defaults to ``EnforcedNull``. :rtype: numeric or :class:`EnforcedNullType` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._max_font_size @max_font_size.setter def max_font_size(self, value): if isinstance(value, constants.EnforcedNullType): self._max_font_size = constants.EnforcedNull else: self._max_font_size = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @property def min_font_size(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal | constants.EnforcedNullType]: """For area-like series, allow the font size to vary so that small areas get a smaller font size. The default applies this effect to area-like series but not line-like series. Defaults to ``EnforcedNull``. :rtype: numeric or :class:`EnforcedNullType` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._min_font_size @min_font_size.setter def min_font_size(self, value): if isinstance(value, constants.EnforcedNullType): self._min_font_size = constants.EnforcedNull else: self._min_font_size = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @property def on_area(self) -> Optional[bool | constants.EnforcedNullType]: """Draw the label on the area of an area series. By default it is drawn on the area. Set it to ``False`` to draw it next to the graph instead. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :class:`EnforcedNullType` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._on_area @on_area.setter def on_area(self, value): if value is None: self._on_area = None elif value is False: self._on_area = False elif isinstance(value, constants.EnforcedNullType): self._on_area = constants.EnforcedNull else: self._on_area = bool(value) @property def style(self) -> Optional[dict | str]: """Styles for the series label. The color defaults to the series color, or a contrast color if ``on_area``. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._style @style.setter def style(self, value): try: self._style = validators.dict(value, allow_empty = True) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._style = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'boxes_to_avoid': as_dict.get('boxesToAvoid', None), 'connector_allowed': as_dict.get('connectorAllowed', None), 'connector_neighbour_distance': as_dict.get('connectorNeighbourDistance', None), 'enabled': as_dict.get('enabled', None), 'format': as_dict.get('format', None), 'formatter': as_dict.get('formatter', None), 'max_font_size': as_dict.get('maxFontSize', None), 'min_font_size': as_dict.get('minFontSize', None), 'on_area': as_dict.get('onArea', None), 'style': as_dict.get('style', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'boxesToAvoid': self.boxes_to_avoid, 'connectorAllowed': self.connector_allowed, 'connectorNeighbourDistance': self.connector_neighbour_distance, 'enabled': self.enabled, 'format': self.format, 'formatter': self.formatter, 'maxFontSize': self.max_font_size, 'minFontSize': self.min_font_size, 'onArea': self.on_area, 'style': } return untrimmed